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No accessFULL TEXTParityJournal Article01 November 2021

The upstream cymru story: A tale of international exchange, collaboration and persistence

    2017 was a memorable year. The End Youth Homelessness Cymru (EYHC) coalition was launched with a goal of ending youth homelessness in Wales within 10 years. The Coalition's goals were supported by the First Minister of Wales at the time, Carwyn Jones, who stated: 'We believe we have a wonderful opportunity here in Wales to deliver real change. If we can put a man on the moon, we can surely end youth homelessness in Wales'. There was a collective will to rethink responses to youth homelessness in Wales by prioritising prevention and a real appetite for new approaches. In 2018, news about the success of The Geelong Project (TGP) in Australia reached Wales and by 2020 Upstream Cymru had been launched. This brief article tells the story of the development and implementation of the initiative.

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