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An imported case of trichostrongylid infection in Tasmania and a review of human trichostrongylidiosis

    Trichostrongylidiosis refers to infection with nematodes of the family Trichostrongylidae. The most common genus of these nematodes known to infect humans is Trichostrongylus, although a number of other trichostrongylids have been reported in humans. The eggs of trichostrongylids closely resemble those of hookworm and may easily be misidentified as such by inexperienced laboratory personnel. A case of intestinal trichostrongylidiosis in a seven year old male refugee from the Sudan now residing in Hobart, Tasmania, is described - the first recorded case of human infection with this nematode in the state. The case is discussed and a review of the clinical manifestations, distribution, morphology, life cycle, epidemiology and treatment of trichostrongylidiosis in humans is given.

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